Summer Salad with Peach Balsamic Vinegar

Posted by Madelaine Oke on

Prep time

15 min

Cook time

15 min


2 pers for main dish or 4 for side salad


  • lettuce
  • 2 Persian cucumbers
  • 1 rainbow carrot
  • 2 packages Sahale pomegranate flavored pistachio mix
  • hard goat cheese or buffalo cheese
  • 1 nectarine (or peach or apricots)
  • 2 slices bacon, cooked
  • olive oil
  • Arlotta's peach balsamic vinegar


Step 1

Wash all of your fruits and vegetables.

Step 2

Cut up the desired amount of lettuce and place in two large salad bowls. Cut up the rest of the fruit and vegetables and add to the lettuce divided between bowls. Cut up the goat cheese and add to the salads. Sprinkle with the candied nuts and dried fruit.

Step 3

Dress the salad with the olive oil and peach balsamic vinegar.

Step 4

Crumble bacon and add on top. Enjoy.

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