To our loyal Customers,

I am reaching out to you today with an important update regarding the worldwide price increase of olive oil production.

Factors including adverse weather conditions, unexpected crop diseases, and escalating production costs, forced us to make the difficult decision of raising our olive oil prices to remain competitive. We can no longer sustain our business model with our current price structure. Unfortunately, the market pressure and economic reality left us with no other option. 

Read more in our blog and other news sources that reflect the global conditions and response to the problem our industry faces. 

Despite our best efforts to absorb the increased costs and maintain the prices of all of our other products, this choice was not made lightly. We had to make many adjustments to our business model, especially the heart-wrenching reduction of payment hours for our loyal team members, including family. These changes only apply to our olive oil not any other products, and especially balsamic vinegar.

We continue to be one of the few companies in the world that offer our signature value proposition: California, organic, small batch production, natural essential oils found in our flavored products, and Kosher-certification, all in one bottle!

I am immensely grateful for your support, understanding, and business as we navigate these changes. 

Thank you for being a valued customer and please don’t hesitate to reach out to if you have any questions or concerns. 

Warm regards,

John Arlotta